Santa Cruz County

Santa Cruz County

Santa Cruz

Cheat Sheet

Explanations for endorsements are below.

California State-wide Offices

Rob Bonta for California Attorney General

California State Assembly

Gail Pellerin

Robert Rivas

Dawn Addis

Jon Wizard

Santa Cruz

⛔️ Santa Cruz Measure D: Greenway

Endorsement Explanations

California State-wide Offices


California Attorney General

Rob Bonta for California Attorney General

Rob Bonta has brought an unprecedented passion for enforcing state housing law to the Attorney General’s office. His leadership of the Housing Accountability Unit and his dedication to protecting pro-housing legislation from NIMBY nonsense has earned him the title Housing Champion.

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

California State Assembly


CA State Assembly District 28

Gail Pellerin

Gail Pellerin is new to housing, but is fired up about building an inclusive California with housing for all. Gail has cited tackling our housing shortage as a top legislative priority. She is committed to finding policy solutions to create more housing for the middle class, increase funding for low-income and supportive housing, and improve public transit and active transportation infrastructure to make our cities more climate friendly.

“The good news for the pro-housing movement is that the tide is turning. People are realizing that the fabric of our community is determined by housing. If we want to support the teachers, the people who work in our community, we need to make serious policy changes and build more homes.”
Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 29

Robert Rivas

Assemblymember Robert Rivas is a true housing champion in the legislature. He has sponsored numerous YIMBY Action priority bills including SB 9 and SB 50 and has advanced other bills related to zoning reform, permit streamlining, and increasing funding for affordable housing. He is deeply committed to safe, affordable housing for all of his constituents from middle class families to farmworkers.

Endorsing chapters
  • South Bay YIMBY
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 30

Dawn Addis

Dawn Addis sees housing affordability as a critical issue for the Central Coast and is ready to bring a pro-housing voice to the state level. She believes progress will come from multiple approaches: more funding for low-income housing, a housing-first approach to the unhoused, renter protections and increased wages and economic development.

"California must create meaningful change in the area of affordable housing, and we need a large tool bag to accomplish this. I supported SB 9, 10, and 35. While these laws are important it’s one thing to have a policy, but another to actually build housing and make sure it’s occupied."
Endorsing chapters
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY
  • South Bay YIMBY

California State Pro-Housing Voter Guide

Jon Wizard

Jon Wizard reflects the YIMBY values of pragmatic action, vision and optimism. Because of his unique experience as both City Councilmember in Seaside and policy director for the Campaign for Fair Housing Elements, Wizard understands housing policymaking at both the local and state levels. He is engaged in the wheels and cogs of the legislature and will be able to connect with the right leaders to work towards housing abundance on day one. Wizard understands the role of housing policy in tackling issues facing the Central Coast including inequality, climate change, and homelessness. He believes that our best days as a state are ahead of us, and the fastest way to make those days a reality is to enact the change we can achieve today.

Endorsing chapters
  • Santa Cruz YIMBY

Santa Cruz


⛔️ No

Santa Cruz Measure D: Greenway

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