San Diego

San Diego

Vote pro-housing in the upcoming races in and around San Diego on November 5, 2024

Cheat Sheet

Explanations for endorsements are below.

California State Assembly

Chris Ward

Colin Parent

David Alvarez

California Ballot Propositions

Yes on Prop 5

⛔️ No on Prop 33

Endorsement Explanations

California State Assembly


California State Assembly District 78

Chris Ward

Assemblymember Ward has led the way on housing in his time in the Assembly. He was recently named the Chair of the Assembly Housing Committee where he will continue to bring his forward-thinking vision of housing abundance to the California Assembly

Colin Parent

California State Assembly District 79

Colin Parent

Colin Parent has long been a housing champion, working on state-wide housing policy for the last decade, responsible for creating the 50% density bonus, and sponsoring its extension statewide. He has worked locally and statewide to bring more homes to California, and is endorsed by the likes of State Senator Scott Wiener as well as other pro-housing organizations in San Diego and statewide

David Alvarez

California State Assembly District 80

David Alvarez

Assemblymember Alvarez has gotten to work quickly in the Assembly to address the housing shortage, including carrying important priority YIMBY bills in the last session like Assembly Bill 1287. We look forward to him continuing to tackle our housing shortage head-on with more great bills in future sessions.

California Ballot Propositions

Yes on Prop 5

✅ Yes

Yes on Prop 5

We support Prop 5 because we support more funding for affordable housing. Prop 5 would make it easier for local governments to raise money for affordable housing by allowing bonds to pass with 55% of the vote. This will make it easier for the state legislature to pass bills that fund housing and critical public infrastructure. We wholeheartedly support this effort.

This campaign needs a lot of help to get across the finish line, so sign up for more information here.

No on 33

⛔️ No

No on Prop 33

We oppose Prop 33 because it would allow NIMBY cities to completely block new housing, driving up the cost of housing for everyone over the long term.

Prop 33 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, a 1995 state law that generally prevents local governments from limiting what landlords can charge new tenants when they first move in. It also prevents cities from limiting rent increases that existing tenants can be charged in housing built on or after Feb. 1, 1995.

YIMBY Action has supported measures that would curb dramatic year-over-year increases in rent, such as the 2019 anti-rent gouging measure in the CA Legislature (AB 1482). But Prop 33 is poorly written and will allow wealthy cities to block new affordable homes from being built.

Prop 33 blocks the state from putting any reasonable checks on local rent control policies, allowing local governments to “maintain, enact or expand residential rent control.” This is a recipe for systemic denial of new housing because wealthy cities constantly look for ways to avoid building more homes. We can already see what anti-housing jurisdictions are planning, for example Former Huntington Beach Mayor Tony Strickland has already openly stated that he’s excited for this measure because it will allow them to block new homes.

We oppose Prop 33 because it is poorly written and will give wealthy communities a powerful tool to block housing all income levels.

Want to vote on our endorsements?

Official members are eligible to vote in our endorsements process, influencing the positions we take during elections.