San Francisco

San Francisco

San Francisco has become the poster child for the national housing shortage in cities. San Francisco YIMBYs have elected pro-housing leaders to the State Senate, the State Assembly, and the Mayor’s office, and are working to elect more pro-housing leaders to local offices, especially the Board of Supervisors.

To determine who to endorse, the San Francisco YIMBY chapter interviewed candidates and created a thorough questionnaire. They believe the endorsed candidates below would most effectively advocate for more housing in the city and end exclusionary single-family-home-only zoning.

Cheat Sheet

Explanations for endorsements are below.

San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Matt Dorsey

Honey Mahogany

Endorsement Explanations

San Francisco Board of Supervisors


District 6

Matt Dorsey

Supervisor Matt Dorsey, a city hall veteran with decades of experience in local and national Democratic politics, has publicly touted YIMBY Policy Solutions. Dorsey has worked with SB50 policy staffer Annie Fryman and others to ensure that he can be the strongest YIMBY ally possible. Matt is supported in his office by pro-housing staffers and advocates for the implementation of Senator Wiener’s SB10 and of SB50 rezonings.

During our forum, Matt distinguished himself by declaring that “there is no daylight between me and Scott Wiener on housing.” Matt is so far the only supervisor to endorse this fall’s YIMBY ballot measure, Prop D, and has steadfastly and consistently opposed Supervisor Connie Chan’s competing anti-housing ballot measure (Prop E). Dorsey has also gone above and beyond in advocating for the Board of Supervisors to have less control over planning and permitting in order to streamline building housing.


District 6

Honey Mahogany

As a close second contender, Honey Mahogany has emerged as a pro-housing voice during her campaign for Supervisor. She has been a champion for the opening of more Navigation Centers and other efforts to get unhoused San Franciscans off the streets and into permanent housing, and her experience as a social worker makes her uniquely qualified to build solutions that work for the City’s unhoused population. A practical, pro-housing Progressive, Honey holds promise in expanding the pro-housing message to a wider audience and expanding our coalition.

Want to vote on our endorsements?

Official members are eligible to vote in our endorsements process, influencing the positions we take during elections.