About Membership
Official members are eligible to vote in our endorsements process, influencing the positions we take during elections.
Official members become part of our vibrant, members-only online community of pro-housing advocates and activists, hosted on Slack.
I donate monthly to YIMBY Action because they champion inclusion and diversity in our neighborhoods, undoing decades of regulations designed to exclude tenants and young people.
Michael Ducker
I support YIMBY because I'm an urban planning student who follows the research-and it shows we need to enable more housing at *all* income levels if we want a truly sustainable, long-term solution to our housing crisis.
Simon Tan
I've spent my entire career working to reduce carbon emissions, and I know we will never get to net zero unless we build far more housing in urban areas where people can walk, cycle and ride the bus. That's why I support YIMBY.
Joanna Bate
One reason I support YIMBY: I got mold sickness from living in a crappy apartment that was all I could afford on a nonprofit salary. A year+ of stomach issues and panic attacks! No one should have to destroy their health to live near their job.
Gill Pressman
Managing Director, YIMBY Action
I really don't want to be isolated here in Menlo Park when I'm elderly because none of my kids or grandkids can afford homes nearby. We need more homes.
Heather Hopkins
There's so many reasons I support YIMBY but the simplest one is rooted in firsthand experience from being evicted in 2011. The bottom line for me is that housing abundance is one of the best tenant protections there is, and for far too long we've propped
Bobak Esfandiari
You can become a member by making monthly or annual donations, or by doing important volunteer work. Joining gains you membership to our national network of pro-housing activists.
Your donation funds the core team and tools that it takes to build a movement to fight for abundant, affordable housing across the United States. Any donation amount is welcome, and official memberships start at $5 per month or $35 per year.
Use this form to apply to be a volunteer member, or to record your volunteer work in order to become an official member. You need to take a volunteer action to activate your membership, so check your inbox for opportunities to qualify.
YIMBY Action envisions an integrated and environmentally sustainable society where every person has access to a safe, affordable home near jobs, services, and opportunity.
YIMBY Action Vision
All donations of $35+ per year or $5+ per month automatically make you a YIMBY Action member! If your membership is not active, make sure your donation reaches that threshold. We appreciate donations to our legal enforcement counterpart, YIMBY Law, but those donations do not count toward YIMBY Action membership.
If you applied for volunteer membership, please complete one of the volunteer activities emailed to you (check your inbox for an email from [email protected]), or have your chapter lead verify you. This is required in order to activate your volunteer membership.
If you have multiple email addresses, make sure you're checking the one you used when you signed up! Memberships are tied to email addresses, so it’s possible that either you donated or applied for volunteer membership under a different email address.
If your membership has expired, simply start a new membership by selecting from the options on this page. You can prevent your membership from expiring by maintaining a monthly/annually recurring donation plan.
To change your donation level or cancel your recurring plan, log in to your donation portal. Please note: If you cancel recurring donations before reaching our $35/year threshold, your membership and Slack access will be revoked.
Volunteer membership must be renewed annually. To cancel, simply allow your volunteer membership to lapse without renewing.
A current dues-paying or volunteer membership is required in order to access the YIMBY Slack. After you’ve joined, search your email inbox for the phrase “Join YIMBY Action on Slack” and click the big green “Join now” button in that email. If you can’t find such an email or are having trouble logging in, email [email protected] for assistance.
If you have a Slack login that is not working, your account may have been deactivated due to a lapse in membership. Reach out to [email protected] to have it reactivated.
YIMBY Action and all of our chapters share membership. You only need to join once—either here or through a chapter website. You get the same perks either way!